“You mean there’s a 6 O’clock in the morning, too?”

Stine here, again. Brian is in a series of late night rehearsals for a show right now (more about that tomorrow or Thursday), and because he’s getting home so late at night, you get the pleasure of reading what I write again today so he can get his beauty sleep when he arrives home. It’s probably not the last time this week, either.

Don’t worry, though. Brian will be back to talk to you in detail about all of his most peculiar bodily functions and the side-effects of cancer in no time.

Yesterday was a really long day for Brian, because he had to be in Bellevue at 7 a.m. for a CT scan. It’s amazing to think that it’s already been two months since his last one. I still can’t believe how quickly time passes when you’re living in two week chunks, punctuated by chemo sessions.

Brian had a really late night at rehearsal the night before, and got home at about 11:20 p.m., which as far as I can tell, is just before dawn.

For someone who already doesn’t have a lot of energy, I’m sure 6 a.m. came really early for him. In fact, he spent most of his time in the waiting room yawning:

Waker, waker, little mate!I didn’t have to wait long to get a picture of him yawning. In fact, it would have been harder to get a picture of him not yawning.

In between yawns, he grimaced at the two “venti” cups of contrast solution he has to drink before a CT scan.

Bottoms up!He really, really doesn’t like this stuff.

Fortunately, the technician gave him one cup flavored with banana, and one with wild berry. So, at least they switched it up a little for him.

The staff were in a particularly generous mood for such an early Monday morning, and they brought him two toasty warm blankets to keep the poor sleepy guy warm while he waited.

"I wanna go back to bed now."See how he can almost fall asleep in hospitals now?

The early hour might have had something to do with it, or his late night, but he was very calm, cool and composed. It was a huge contrast to the first time he had to go in for a CT scan (where we were both nervous wrecks, and wow was he sickly  skinny), and even the last time when it was still only our second trip to the rodeo.

We won’t get the results until we meet with the oncologist on February 3, so we are just going to put it out of our minds, hope for the best, and look forward to an early bedtime sometime soon!