Sweating out chemo drugs

Sweating out chemo drugs is not what I would call a pleasant experience. It’s most acute in the days immediately following and I’m starting to find it as gross as it sounds.

I don’t really know if it’s noticeable to anyone else, but to myself there is a very distinct smell coming out of my pores. It smells like medicine. Its during these days that I don’t like being in my own skin, but at least I’m not achy yet, that comes later.

What’s even worse, about flushing the drugs out of my body, is the way my urine smells. It’s not something you think you’d notice, but you do. I’m sure you wanted to know this. It’s the reason you visit my blog!

I most amazed at how fast it starts to happen too, one of the chemo drugs I take (Adriamycin) is the color of bright red kool-aid and if I go to the bathroom within several minutes of it being administered my urine is already red in color. To me that just goes to show how the body immediately identifies the drugs as something that shouldn’t be there and how the kidneys get to work immediately in trying to get rid of it. I try to drink as much water as I can to help the process.

Just some fun things for you to think about this weekend =)