Ever since I was taken off of the bleomycin due to lung damage back in early January, my hair has slowly started growing again. Well… kind of… and only in certain places.

Where its most noticeable is on the top of my head. It’s slowly coming back in, though not quite as thick as “normal” hair growth yet. And what is coming back in is pretty fine and soft. The color is also much redder than it’s been in years. I was a red head growing up and still thought of myself as one, but as I’ve discovered in the last few months (as people have noticed my redder hair growing back) is that many people who have only known me for a few years, think of me as having brownish hair. For the record, my resume says “auburn” I think that covers it well. Though if this continues, I may have to change it back to “red.”

Along with the color, it’s also coming back so far much softer and finer than it was before. I basically feel like it’s reverting to an earlier state. The physiological equivalent of curling up into a ball, sucking its thumb, and reverting back to an earlier form of itself. In this case it’s going back to an infantile state since its as soft and fine, and as red, as when I was a baby.

I never completely lost the hair on my lower arms, but I did lose the hair on my legs. It’s very hard to see, but in the right lighting you can see little sprouts of hair starting to come back on legs, but for the most part they are still smooth.

The place that is has started growing back through is my chin. Not on my face, but just from the bottom of the chin to the top of the neck.


The rest of my facial hair is still MIA. Not that I could ever grow it in the first place. But still, even in my prime I would have to shave every other day or so or I would start to look pretty scraggly and gross. Not anymore though. I think I’ve maybe picked up my razor 3 times in the last 6 months.

I am really curious to see how it will take for the rest of my hair follicles to wake up after my last chemo on THURSDAY (!!!)

I could really use some eyebrows.