Happy News!

I promised over a month ago that we would eventually have someactual happy news to report here on the blog, and I’m not just talking about the “hey, I’m only kind of dying” sort of news. I’m talking about genuine good news.

Today it was announced that Christine has been promoted at work!. I am very proud of her, and for the first time since my diagnosis, I feel like we are getting back on track in life. When I was diagnosed, she withdrew from classes at her upcoming MBA program, and deferred to next year. I withdrew from the play I had been cast in for this holiday season. Both events felt like a setback for us. Now that her career is still advancing, things are starting to feel right again.

But wait; there’s more!

My dad took me to my chemo appointment yesterday because Christine had to be at a meeting in the afternoon regarding her new position, and we met with the oncologist. So far, the oncologist is pleased with my progress! Based on how I’m reacting to the chemo so far, we think we are on the right track, and I’m responding to treatment. When we are closer to 1/4 of the way through chemo (in about early December), I will have some follow-up tests and scans to confirm her suspicions of a positive reaction.

In additional good news, even though the area is bruised, the chest port that was installed on Tuesday did a great job, and the time it took to receive the chemo treatments was shorter than when they had previously tapped into my ever-squirrely arm veins.

Thanks to my dad for going with me yesterday and acting as chauffeur and note-taker during the oncologist appointment (at Christine’s direction, of course). We are both unbelievably grateful to have such amazing family and friends. Even though I just had chemo, I am genuinely hopeful and pleased right now.