Still Waiting (Plural)

Had my CT Scan yesterday and haven’t heard anything from the doctor yet.

It’s funny where my mind goes. I’ve already decided that “no news, is bad news” and that she hasn’t called because she wants to tell me in person on Friday that it’s back. Really there is no reason for me to be having these crazy thoughts.

I think I just got spoiled when she called mere hours after my PT Scan in March to let me know it was clean. Really though, I should realize that they are totally different tests. The PT Scan results are pretty easy to see. If there are glowing bright spots where there shouldn’t be, you have cancer. Done.

I’m assuming though that reading this CT Scan will require a little more finesse and that it will need to be done by a radiologist. I would imagine it involves taking this image and comparing it to earlier pictures, especially since I have scar tissue from the tumor in my chest. So they will probably be looking at that closely and … blah … blah … blah … JUST CALL ME ALREADY !!!!!@@

Calm. Be calm. Just be cool.

No word from Pepper’s vet either. Though she continues to improve little by little everyday. She’s eating more and doing little things like starting to follow us around the house a bit more, rather than just laying there unresponsive, like she did for about a week.

As I’m typing this in fact, she’s following Christine around in the backyard while she does some “night gardening.” It’s about 10:15 PM and I’m sitting on the back deck with the laptop ’cause it’s so pleasant out and she is putting a new plant into our deck planters. Pepper is showing interest in things again and its such a relief to see. She’s still walking softly, but she’s doing it more often.

That’s all for now. Sorry I don’t have much to update on like I thought I would. Maybe tomorrow.

In the meantime, lets all make fun of Stine who has Jury Duty today. She is NOT amused. Hehe.

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