CT Scans (Plural)

Today we should hear something from the Vet regarding the CT Scan that Pepper had on Wednesday. Hopefully it will tell us something about what is going on and why she still seems reluctant to move her head too much.

This weekend she did start to eat and drink, but still not as much as we would like to see. Then again, she isn’t really active so I wouldn’t think that she would need too much food. But I also think that part of the reason she isn’t active is because she isn’t eating too much. It’s a vicious cycle.

In other CT Scan news, today I go in for my first “every 3 month” scan. So it’s been 3 months. Crazy.

This one should be a “gimme.” From what I understand the chances of relapse happening this soon are ridiculously low. And the fact that the disease responded to chemo so well in me pushes those chances down even further. Still, there is that little bit of me that’s nervous… because, what if?

I think about “What if” alot. Every little tinge of a past symptom that I had freaks me out a little. If I cough… or if one of my ankles itch… or if I just feel tired at the end of the day… my mind starts to wander and I panic a little that I’m getting sick again. From what I hear, this paranoia is common and will dissipate with time.

But still…

I may hear back as early as this afternoon. But it could also be a few days. Either way we have a follow-up visit with my oncologist on Friday. She’s going to give me a disapproving look when she sees that I haven’t lost much weight since going off my meds. BUT I was going to gym 5 days a week for 2 weeks straight, so there’s that … well at least I was until Pepper got really sick last week.

I’ll update tomorrow (or maybe this evening if we know anything). And Mom, before you get mad and start freaking out: I’ll be sure to let you know AS SOON as I hear my results =)

‘Till then.

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