Today and Tomorrow


Today is a good day.
Today is the last day of my cancer treatment.
A journey which started back with my diagnosis on September 13th, 2010 (a date which will live in infamy) will end today after over 6 months of chemotherapy and 3 weeks of radiation.

There will be follow-up appointments over the next few months of course, and my first quarterly CT Scan is scheduled for the beginning of July. I’ll have a CT Scan every 3 months for a year. Then every 4 months for year. Then every 6 months for a year. And if I make it that far without signs that it’s come back, it will be pretty safe to say at that point that I am cured.

It all starts with Today!
Today is a good day.


Tomorrow will be a rough day.
Tomorrow is the first day of Pepper’s cancer treatment.

It’s possible I’m being a bit over dramatic and speculative as we don’t for sure yet that it’s full on cancer, but we do know that she most likely has a tumor. Technically at this point they can only say that it’s “a mass” but I’m just trying to prepare myself for the worst.

She is scheduled for surgery in the morning and the mass will be removed. It will then be shipped out to somewhere where they will take a closer look and determine what it is/was and those results will dictate what our next steps are.

For now though, we have to get her through the surgery. We just wish we could explain to her what is about to happen and why its happening. But try as we might, we can’t get her understand English, and she just looks at me like I’m crazy when I try to bark.

It all starts tomorrow.
Tomorrow will be a rough day.

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