Taking a Break

My oncologist gave us a referral to meet with a Radiation Oncologist to discuss the pros and cons of undergoing radiation. She is recommending that we do it, and I would assume that the Radiation Oncologist will recommend the same thing. Our meeting with her will be in two weeks.

Should we wind up doing radiation it will be everyday Monday through Friday for 4 weeks.

Speaking of every day, Monday through Friday: it’s time to take a break from blogging for a bit. We’ve blogged everyday Monday through Friday for the last six months, and I just need to take a break from it for a while. Now that I’m done with chemo and on the mend, there isn’t as much to report in the “cancer world” and when we do come back from our hiatus, we’ll probably resume a more relaxed posting schedule (probably 3 days a week) and we’ll get back to more of the random miscellany that we used to post before this all happened.

Before I go, I just want to thank everyone who has come with us on this journey, especially those who check-in every day with us here. Your love and support has been an immeasurable blessing to us, and has helped Christine and I get through what has arguably been the most trying time in our lives. There is nothing else that I can say than to just thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

The story isn’t over yet, but it definitely feels like a chapter has ended and another is beginning.

Now that I’m done with chemo, today marks the longest that I’ve gone in over half a year without hitting the reset button and pushing my body back down to zero. Every day I get stronger, and I look forward to continuing to get stronger over the coming weeks. Even if I do start radiation therapy in the next few weeks, it’s nothing compared to chemo.

SO, it will probably be a week or two before we post again. Be well everyone, and I’ll see you on the flip side!

6 thoughts on “Taking a Break

  1. The radiation isn’t so bad, and 4 weeks will go by fast. I will be thinking of you and Christine. Take a rest and enjoy it. Love you both.

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