What’s Next?

Well, I’m done with chemo, but I may not be completely done with cancer treatment yet. We’ll find out in a little over a week.

On Thursday I’ll have a test called a PET Scan (or PT Scan). I had one of these back in September as part of my initial diagnosis and staging. I’ll talk about it more after I go through it again, but basically they inject me with a radioactive glucose and then stick me in a tube and take pictures. Areas that are still “cancerous” will show up as glowing spots in the results.

So that test is coming up on Thursday. I am assuming though that we won’t hear about the results until we meet with oncologist on the following Thursday (the 31st). Depending on what (if anything) comes back in the PT Scan results, a decision will be made about whether or not I’ll have to undergo any radiation treatments. I have to admit, I don’t fully understand the process of radiation, but I do know that I don’t want it. I just want to be done. So, we are holding out hope.

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