The Big Climb

Perhaps agreeing to climb up 69 flights of stairs 3 days after chemo wasn’t the greatest idea that I’ve ever had. BUT we did it, and we lived to tell the tale.


As much as it sucked, I’m actually glad we did it. If for no other reason than to prove that I could. I must say though, that my time wasn’t the greatest. When I did it back in 2008, I think I did it around 14 minutes. This year, it was about 33 minutes. I did the first 20 flights without stopping, but then I think we stopped about every 10 flights or so after that.

The suck

Recovering at the top

This event benefited the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society (LLS), which is the same sponsor of the Running Scared 5k and the Pineapple Classic. I think that we will make big group participation activities out of all three of those events in the coming year, and by the time the Big Climb rolls around next spring, I will be one year clear of cancer (knock on wood).

3 thoughts on “The Big Climb

  1. I am so very proud of you for doing the climb – for having the determination – what a great statement to what cancer CAN’T take away!

  2. Bravissimo you two! Dewd. I couldn’t even THINK about doing this….and I’m not currently kicking the shit out of cancer. Thanks for making me feel pathetic!

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