Today’s the Day

I can hardly believe it, but today is my LAST chemo appointment.

I don’t even really know what to say about it other than that.

Note that even in my joy I’m hesitant to make any sweeping claims like “Its over” or “I’m done with treatment.” This is certainly a big milestone and I will most definitely be celebrating as it such, but the realist in me is keen to not get too celebratory yet. There are still several things to get through in the coming weeks, and I’ll touch on what are those as we go. But for now, I’m trying to just be glad that this chapter is coming to an end.

Still, I’ll have to go through the same recovery period that I always do. I can this going one of two ways: it will either be easiest or one of the hardest. Easiest in the sense that I know I won’t have to go back, and that it’s only uphill from here. Yet, it could be hard in the sense that my patience with this process has grown thin, especially since I’m wanting to be working toward recovery and getting back to where I was before I got sick. So you can see how it could go either way, either I won’t mind the downs since I won’t have to go through them again, OR I’ll REALLY hate the limitations it puts on me because I can’t wait until I can start getting better.

So think of us today! We’ll be going in at 1pm and it generally takes around 2-3 hours. So by 4 o’clock I’ll be able say “Back when I was going through chemo…”

And on the plus side, now I’ll have something to drink to on every St. Patrick’s Day for the rest of my life!

Anyway, I’m not really good at expressing excitement, either in person or in print, so I’ll leave the super-excited post for Christine to write for tomorrow.

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