One month left

Yesterday was Brian’s chemo day, and now that it’s over, he has exactly one month left. That means he has two more trips to chemo, and then he’s done on March 17.

That’s great news, but yesterday was tough because Brian is more than ready to be done. Normally, he’s quite the gregarious treat for everyone on staff. Even when he is having a rough chemo day, he’s always funny and a friendly face for all of the nurses. Yesterday, he was his usual gracious self, but it was apparent that he was more than ready to be out of there quickly.

I don’t blame him one bit.

Oddly, yesterday was the first time that he felt really nauseous during chemo. He has not thrown up at all during this whole process since his diagnosis in September, but yesterday he came darn close to breaking that streak. After the moment passed, Brian remarked that his state of mind and the way he was reacting physically were probably connected. He was probably right. It’s amazing to think that the mind-body connection is that powerful.

The good news, is that he didn’t seem to react as badly to the chemo yesterday as he has in previous sessions. Instead of falling asleep half way through, then sleeping all the way home, and going to bed around 6, he actually stayed awake the whole time and seemed fairly lucid.

So, we continue the countdown, and know that in exactly one month he will be through it. On March 17, the days will be 1 hour and 28 minutes longer than they are today, the average temperatures will be in the mid-to upper 50’s, and Brian’s long-term outlook will be decidedly sunnier. =)

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