
I was lucky enough to get to go the football game with my father-in-law on Saturday. I hadn’t been to a Seahawks game in probably 20 years, and as it turned out I picked a good game to return on. Or rather, Don picked a good game to invite me to. Or rather, my brother-in-law Eric chose a good weekend to be out of town =)

It was an incredible game. Everyone knows the story by now, so I’ll just show you some of pictures that Don took while we were there:

I look at that last picture, and I’m struck by how puffy I look in my face. I’m not quite at my biggest anymore, but I’m still in the range of about 30 lbs up from my lowest point back before I started chemo in early October. The photos below were taken (by Tiffany) at our 10 year high school reunion. I was at around 130 lbs. I started chemo 4 days after these picture were taken.

I’d pretty much wasted away to nothing by the time those pictures were taken. They certainly stand in stark contrast the pics above.

I made a photobook for Christine for Christmas entitled “2010: Our best and worst year ever” When we go back and look at some of the pictures from this summer, it just seems so obvious in some of those pictures that I’m sick. It’s amazing that we didn’t see it at the time, but hindsight is 20-20.

2 thoughts on “Pictures

  1. The “Humping Reindeer” really become you! Make you look happy! We love you Brian, keep up the spirit you are amazing!! Love, Aunt and Uncle and Cuz

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