The waiting is the hardest part

Stine here. Brian had chemo yesterday, and he spent the evening resting on the couch, and going to bed early.

For the record, those are two of my favorite things to do. Sometimes when Brian has chemo, for the few days afterward, it’s like he’s taking an interest in my hobbies. Resting and napping. But I digress.

He’s doing just fine after treatment, and I’m sure that once he starts to feel better early next week he will be glad that one more chemo session is behind him.

I’m having a hard time being patient. I keep telling him that in just a few short months he will be done, and in just a few short months, we will get on with our lives. But with days like today, and watching Brian sit through chemo, I keep getting impatient. I want to make him feel better RIGHT NOW, but there is nothing to do but wait.

I feel like a kid before Christmas morning when I think about what awaits us in the future when he’s better again, but we have a long night ahead of us before we get to the good stuff.

Maybe my focus on the future is the reason I am suffering from a serious case of spring fever right now. I could only wait until January 3 to pull out the gardening books, and I’ve been watching those very appealing “visit Hawaii” commercials very closely. I keep daydreaming about warmer weather, longer days, sun, and a healthy Brian to enjoy it all with.

While we wait for Brian to revisit the blog (read: wake up from his nap), let’s all enjoy a moment of Aloha, and focus on getting to the bright warm future. =)

One thought on “The waiting is the hardest part

  1. Hey Christine-
    It must be so hard to watch Brian go through this. Really, to help him go through this. I can tell that you have been incredibly patient, strong and self-sacrificing throughout this experience. So don’t feel bad about running out of patience- it’ll still be there when you need it! Just blame the weather and “January-in-Seattle-itis” too. (-:

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