Hairloss Part III

While the hair on my head continues to thin yet has mostly remained, I’m just about out of body hair. It’s almost entirely gone on my legs but is still hanging around on my arms. I haven’t been losing hair in clumps like I was back in October, but what I think is happening now is just normal hair loss that everyone experiences. The difference for me is that while everyone else is constantly growing new hair to replace what they naturally shed, I am not.

The thing about the hair on our bodies is that it serves a purpose. You really notice this when its gone. Nose hair for example is something you probably don’t think much about it, unless you no longer have any. The purpose of nose hair is both a first line of defense to keep things out, BUT it also works to help keep things in. Since I no longer have any my nose runs all the time. You know how when you’ve been outside in the cold for a while, and it can make your nose start to run? Well that happens to me, only it doesn’t have to be cold, and it doesn’t have to be “a while,” I basically just have be outside and it will cause my nose to start to run. And with none of that pesky nose hair to get in the way and disrupt the flow, it rolls on out in a quick and steady pace.

I’ve also lost the hair in my ears. Here is another example of a place that we have hair for a reason. Like the nose, the hair in the ears is again designed as a first line of defense to help keep things out. Without it though, I find the body resorting to an over production of it’s second line of defense, ear wax.

The weirdest place though that I’ve started noticing the hair loss is MY EYELASHES. And whats even weirder about that is that it’s mostly just the bottom lashes that have lost the good fight.

If you’re keeping score, I’ve got about 8 left on the bottom of each eye.

You can a couple of them still hanging on, but they sure went fast. I first noticed it late last week when I rubbed my eyes and noticed several eyelashes still stuck to my fingers when I pulled them away.

Also as the hair on my head has continued to thin at a slow pace, I have finally reached the point when my head is starting to get cold if I leave the house without a hat or beanie.  I really started to notice it in the over the last week or so while I’ve been out Christmas shopping. Still, if you passed me on the street I don’t think it looks to bad, nor do I feel that I particularly look like a cancer patient. Unless you already know.

Chemo today. The good people at the hospital have a couple of early Christmas presents for me:  adriamycin, bleomycin, vinblastine, and dacarbazine.

Merry Christmas to ME!

4 thoughts on “Hairloss Part III

  1. Ok, here is something for you to ponder. I lost all of my hair everywhere with chemo. About a month after chemo, I noticed I was getting some of it back. I got all of my eyelashes back when I started radiation and after I finished they all just fell out again. I asked the doctor about it and he said I was the second person that asked him about it and radiation shouldn’t have had anything to do with the lost eyelashes. I am still waiting for the stubble to get longer. I do have some eyelashes but not nearly as long as before.

  2. Concealed within his fortress, the lord of Langedor sees all. His gaze pierces cloud, shadow, earth, and Stine. You know of what I speak, Dude: a great eye, lidless, wreathed in hair (on one side).

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