The results are in…

We met with the oncologist yesterday and she showed us the results from my latest CT Scan. And they are impressive!

Lets start with the original CT. September 14, the day after I went to the doctor with a cough and walked out with cancer. This is from the first CT Scan I had. First the image, then again with some explanations of what you are looking at:

I lie on my back with my arms above my head and the scanner take 2D pictures of slices of my body. This is probably just above the center of my chest. Some helpful explanations of what you are looking at:

It’s no wonder I couldn’t breathe and I had that cough. The tumors and the massively inflamed lymph nodes were pushing on my lungs. The little white spots that you scattered throughout the lungs are just blood vessels within the lungs, doing their thing!

Now for the big one. The picture of the original CT Scan, vs the CT taken on Thursday. This is the two of them side by side:

The cancer is clearly retreating! The oncologist told us she is very encouraged by these results. You can see the reduction in the size of the tumors and the inflamed lymph nodes.

This second set of comparison pictures is little higher up into the chest. You can see many of the same things. But in this picture the windpipe is still in one piece as its before it has split into the two lungs.

I just can’t stop looking at these pictures. What a difference a couple of months can make and what poisoning yourself  every two weeks can do. It sucks, but I guess these picture show that its worth it. blah, blah, blah, miracles of modern science and all that…

But seriously, this was great news to get today from the oncologist. The medicine is working. It’s worth it. Everything is worth it!

17 thoughts on “The results are in…

  1. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Amazing. Keep those for a while. Still look at mine from time to time. Amazing what can be done!!!!!

  2. also, does anyone else think that the first CT scan looks like a muppet, specifically gonzo? i mean, the nose isn’t quiet long enough, but i think it looks like gonzo.

  3. Hot damn! And, since I’m now a veteran at reading ultrasounds, I’m pretty sure that last one means you’re pregnant!!! CONGRATULATIONS!

    Any info on that pesky stage IV spine aberration-thing-that-is-only-technically-a-tumor?

  4. Yea!!!!!!!! Way to go Brian! You are so positive and hopeful that those cancer cells just recoiled in fear of the light!! Your visualization IS working. I keep you in white light also. Thank God for this wonderful progress. Love you both!

  5. In the midst of studying for finals and writing 72 papers (ok 5 but that’s plenty) Julia was wonderful enough to make sure I saw this. I’m so happy I could cry. Hoorah for some good news amidst a lot of bad lately. I’m so happy for you and me and all of us!

  6. Hi Brian,
    You don’t know me, but a am a good friend of Tonia’s. She was telling me about your Hodgkin’s, as I am a survivor….going on 7 1/2 years. (I was 26 when I was diagnosised.) I was a stage 2A, and back in “those” days, they were treating with chemo and radiation. While I was reading your blog, I couldn’t help but knod my head over and over. I can completely empathize with what you are doing though…and the few days of “Feeling Good” you get before they poison you again. I know ….
    Keep up the fight. The images are amazing. I had tumors in similiar positions too, though not on my spine.

    Anyway, if you need someone to talk to who has been through the “same” thing, I am happy to be a resource.
    Keep up the good work. Just do what they tell you to do. It’s in your doctor’s hands…..
    I will be praying for you.


  7. I LOVE THIS STORY!!!! Seriously, that’s just great news Brian….and I’m over the moon thrilled to hear it! Keep up the good work and stock up on Tabasco!!

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