Highs… and Lows

It’s almost too easy to talk about this journey as a series of highs and lows. Today was a perfect example. I got to spend some time with my friends Dane and Jessica (the High) but I ended the day feeling pretty low (the Low).

I sort of touched on  how I’ve been feeling in yesterday’s post, but I want to expand upon it today. As an overall, I haven’t felt too terribly bad during this latest round of chemo, but what’s been slowly wearing on me is the fact that I haven’t felt good either. I’ve just kind of felt sick for the last week. Not in an unbearable way, but its like its lingering just under the surface and won’t go away. It hasn’t prevented me from doing anything, but its just been a constant presence for the last week.

It actually started on Wednesday, the day we went in for chemo again. I was okay in the morning, but the nearer we got to our chemo appointment the worse I started feeling. By the time Tanya picked us up and we were on our way I was feeling genuinely nauseous. Even now thinking about it again I am starting to make myself a little ill. The nurse told me that I was basically describing “anticipatory nausea.” It’s basically what it sounds like. I know what I’m on my way to do. I don’t want to go. I know how it’s going to make me feel, and my body starts to react in anticipation.

It’s been almost a full week now, and that feeling has remained, like I said, just below the surface. Never really showing itself but at the same time never really going away. After a week it’s really starting to wear me down. My fear is that this is the real manifestation of continued treatment and that my body is starting to lose ground against the chemo drugs. When I talk about with people I describe it as diminishing returns, that with each subsequent treatment I am not quite able to get all way back up to a baseline level before I have to go back in and get another round of chemo. I’m scared that this feeling is going to get worse as the months progress and that eventually it won’t go away at all.

Also on my mind today is a friend who lost his father to cancer today. It was not unexpected, but I can’t help but feel the loss and take a moment to reflect on how much cancer sucks. I only met him once, but he was such a sweet man and he did have a lasting impact on me: to this day the image of him dancing with his wife at his son’s wedding knowing that he was terminally ill was one of the most touching moments I’ve ever see in my life. It brings tears to my eyes even thinking about it now. I know that our cancers were different, and that our journeys have little in common save for the  “c word” itself. But none the less, in the short time that I’ve lived with my own cancer I’ve felt an increasing connection and understanding with others who have lived, and who continue to live, with cancer in their lives.

Anyway, a lot on my mind tonight, and as such I’m feeling pretty blah. Christine has been amazing though. She worked all day and then came home and is now decorating the tree and hanging up the stockings while I lay here and type this. It just looks so beautiful.

Like I said, it’s a journey of highs and lows.

I should go, Christine just threw an entire glass of wine on the cat.

3 thoughts on “Highs… and Lows

  1. It was an accident! The cat brushed up against the glass and started to knock it over. I reached for it, grabbed it and stopped it from falling all the way over, but most of the wine sloshed out and onto the cat. Poor Tigger!

  2. Thanks for writing this blog Brian. I read it almost everyday. Thanks for the note about my dad. I know if you two had known each other better you would have gotten along well. He had a great sense of humor just like you.

  3. I suppose Tigger enjoyed cleaning up his fur after that =)

    Brian, sorry to hear about the anticipatory nausea. That can be a real bummer. It’s tough to trick yourself out of it, too, but sometimes by driving a different route, coming in a different entrance, sitting in a different part of the waiting room, or whatever you can minimize it. Also, try not to pair anything you love with the chemo. So, don’t always eat your favorite food the night before.

    Thinking of you guys!

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