Apparently I’m not sick anymore…

… if my blood work is to be believed.

Before I get too excited I should note that there is still one test that I can’t seem to see the online results for. And it’s an important one as it contains the White Blood Cell count that I am most eager to see.

But, I did the results back from the rest of the tests and everything is pretty normal. This round of blood work returned something like 40 different results and all of them were within the normal ranges with the exception of one element from the liver function test which was elevated and indicates stress on the liver. But I think (though I’m still not a doctor) that it’s perhaps to be expected given the chemo treatments? I’ll find out on Wednesday when I see the doctor.

What’s weird though, is that they also tested the clotting factors in my blood again and it too came back normal. Normal, as in, entirely within the normal ranges like a normal person. This is a far cry from the last time I had this test done and my blood was clotting at half the rate of  normal. This is definitely another question for the doctor, but as she seemed just as baffled as I was by that initial result, I’m not holding out hope that she’s going to have too many answers for me on that front.

At any rate, we are a “go” for the Chest Port Placement procedure today! We check it at 8:30 this morning. We’ll let you know how it goes tomorrow!

7 thoughts on “Apparently I’m not sick anymore…

  1. Whoa, Mard . . . we submitted the same joke at the same minute. (Looks like yours came in just ahead of mine, though.)

    This deserves a CLAW.

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