Big Day (I guess)

This morning I return to the scene of the crime (the hospital) to have my chest port taken out.

We initially kept it in because it wasn’t bothering me (and it would be there should the need have arisen to use it) but after a few months I was ready for it come out so we made the decision during my last appointment with my oncologist.

It’s a simple procedure: local anesthetic, small incision (probably at the same spot from where they put it in) and pull it out. Very similar to pulling out an IV in your arm, only this one happens to already be inside my body. There might some slight discomfort for a few days, but it’s nothing like putting it in which I went partially under for. For this they said I could drive myself in and out if I wanted to.

Should be pretty cathartic.
We’ll see.


Xkcd is a webcomic that I have followed regularly for years.

Around the same time I was diagnosed his fiancee was diagnosed with Stage III Breast Cancer, so he will occasionally write about it. He’s had two comics over the last week which been poignant and cancer related.

This one in particular hits pretty close to home and is right on, as to where I go mentally from time to time (though the numbers are different for me, it’s the idea that counts).
This second one is pretty good too. I keep waiting for this to come up in conversation =)