First Radiation Appointment

Yesterday was my first radiation appointment. It took about an hour but from here on out I should be in and out in less than 15 minutes. The actual “zappy part” (not a term that they use) takes less than 2 minutes. And in fact most of that time is waiting for the machine to move. So for the rest of my appointments it’s just check-in and change into a gown, and then they strap you down and shoot you up.

Boom. Done.

This appointment took longer today because there were a bunch of “verification films” (X-Rays) that they took. From what I understand, these are to ensure that the plan they put in place still lines up with where my organs and things are.

When I say a bunch, I mean a BUNCH.  I feel like took like 10 X-Rays. It was definately to the point where one starts to wonder if exposure to this many X-Rays is healthy, at least  that is until you remember that you’re there to be to radiated. =)

Once that was done they moved on to the actual treatment. Like I said, it goes really quickly. One shot from behind, and two shots from the front. They are radiating the large tumor in my chest and a few of areas that used to be lymph-nodes, but which are now dead cancer tumors.

It’s painless, you can see the rays or feels them or anything. The only way you know its happening is that they machine makes some noises.

1 Down. 14 to go.

I go back today at 1:15

In and Out

My third appointment yesterday was the fastest to date.

I was in and out in less than 5 minutes.

This is a far cry from Chemo which took like 3 hours.

This is easily my best blog post EVER (sorry, I sort of forgot until I was already in bed, so I got up and wrote this quickly)