I’m hoping that today is my LAST doctor’s appointment

Today, for the first time in six months, I’m NOT going in for chemo like I normally would be today as its been two weeks since my last treatment. So here’s hoping that now that they’ve stopped systematically poisoning me, it’ll be all uphill from here.

We’re still going in to see the doctor today though, and we should find about whether or not I’ll be undergoing radiation (trading one form of poisoning for another I guess). Obviously this is something that we would like to avoid having to go through, but I guess I should do what the “medical professionals” advise.

I have a lot of anxiety about this doctor’s appointment, but at least I’m pretty sure we’ll be walking out with some definitive answers. We’ll know yea or nay on radiation, we’ll find out what the time line is for removing my chest port, and we’ll have an idea about when my next CT Scan will be.

All in all, I really hope that this is the last time I see my oncologist for a while. In fact, here’s hoping that I never see her again! =)

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