So close…

At first I thought it would only be a matter of time. But after a while I really thought I was going to make it.
But alas, this week I have finally succumb to the “the sick.” Yes, I have a cold.

I woke up on Thursday with a sore throat and a bit of a runny nose, but I was hoping that it was just the start of allergy season, as the weather on Wednesday was quite lovely indeed. I was a little worried that they wouldn’t let me go through with chemo on Thursday if I thought I might be sick, and I thought about not saying anything to the oncologist, but as it turns out, she didn’t really care.

Its almost shocking to think that this is first time that I’ve had to deal with any kind of “contagious” disease in the six months since being diagnosed. Especially considering the lengths that we have gone to keep my white blood cell count up. Every two weeks my immune system is basically reset back to zero, and every two weeks (with the help of daily injections) it works its way back up to barely passable levels before being leveled out again with the next dose of chemo.

It will certainly be interesting to see how this cold progresses, it’s already pretty miserable and I’m pretty sure that it’s just getting warmed up. I’m just bummed that I ALMOST made it through without getting sick.

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