One. More. Left. 14 days to go. A fortnight. Half a lunar cycle. Two weeks.

Stine here. Brian spent the evening at home on the couch after a successful day at chemo yesterday. With that chemo session behind us now, he only has one more left, with his final session scheduled for March 17! I wish I could just hit the “fast forward” button to get through the next two weeks.

We also met with Dr. Reddy yesterday, and she gave us two pieces of good news:

1) He does not need to have neupogin shots to restore his white blood cell count back to normal levels after his last chemo session. This means he only has to endure the painful shots for the next 5 days, and then he’s done with those forever!

2) She gave us the date she anticipates he will have his PT scan, which will be on or around March 24. She said she anticipates normal results. That is the first time we have heard her be really positively optimistic about expecting good future test results from Brian. This is a good sign.

We are supposed to meet with her again during the week of March 28 to get the PT scan results, and determine if he needs to have radiation for an additional month. Only time will tell on this one, but we are really hoping that he can avoid radiation.

The nurses all seemed to know when we got there that it was his second-to-last session, and they were all cheering him on. I have no idea what we can possibly get them to say “thank you” for the last 7 months of compassionate and informative care they have given us. They are a wealth of information, very attentive, and always a pleasure to work with. Their clinic is always stuffed with flowers and baked goods, so I hate to get them one more bouquet or another plate of cookies. I still feel like they deserve something as a token of our thanks, but I guess I have two weeks to figure something out. =)

5 thoughts on “One. More. Left. 14 days to go. A fortnight. Half a lunar cycle. Two weeks.

  1. Send them a photo every now and then. Like when we all join Brian at the fundraising walk/runs. I bet they love seeing their patients back to normal life. Plus, who doesn’t want more pictures of Brian?

  2. I like the photo idea!

    An idea I’ve used… hire a traveling massage therapist to bring his/her chair thing and do 10 minute back/neck massages at their break time on the last day of chemo.

  3. Ohhh! I love the ticket idea! I also really love the massage idea, but it might be cost and time prohibitive. I thought about getting them manicures, but there are at least 10 nurses on staff, and we’re only really close with about 4 of them. I didn’t want it to look like we were thanking some, but not all. If we send tickets, then those who want them can take them, and those who don’t, won’t.

  4. september seems like it was just here. i guess time flies when you have cancer.

    way to go, bry. this is great stuff to read about!

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