Scar Tissue

We were surprised on Thursday to see that the pictures from my most recent CT Scan were not that different from the ones taken two months ago. There was a slight reduction in size, but there is still somewhat of a mass in my chest. Apparently it will be a little souvenir that I will carry around with me for the rest of my life. The oncologist described it asĀ  hard fiberous scar tissue. A lovely thought.

The PT Scan later next month with confirm that it’s scar tissue as well as help determine whether or not I’ll be undergoing radiation therapy after I’ve finished chemo. There are two schools of thought according to my oncologist. One is that additional radiation therapy should be administered after chemo if the tumor was larger than 5 cm. The other is if the tumor was larger than 7 cm. Mine was about 6 cm, so we’ll probably have some kind of consultation with a radiation oncologist to see what they say, though we would like to avoid having to go through radiation if at all possible.

More on that as it develops.

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