Who’s got two thumbs and doesn’t want to go to Chemo today??


On the plus side, this dose will again be without the bleomycin, and like I said last week, it seems to lighten the intensity quite a bit.

No word yet on the results of the lung function test. At this rate I would expect to not hear anything until we next meet with the oncologist in two weeks. At that point the decision will be made whether or not to put the bleomycin back in. Christine is pushing for me to just email the doctor and see what see says, but I’ve always been of the impression that “no news is good news” so I’ve resisted asking.

Still,  I can’t imagine that it would come back indicating that everything is fine. It doesn’t take much to get me “sucking wind” these days, and it’s more than just being out of shape. I’ve been slowly increasing the amount of exercise that I’ve been getting lately and I still feel like I’m always breathing heavier than I should. We’ll see…

Last night Christine and I finally hooked up the Kinect for the Xbox that Tanya got us for Christmas (thanks Tanya!) and we played Dance Central. It pretty much went like this:

Step 1: Hook up Kinect
Step 2: Insert “Dance Central” disc
Step 3: Close curtians
Step 4: Dance!

This game is A BLAST! It’s by the makers of Rock Band, which was a favorite amongst my friends and I for a few years, but instead of playing plastic musical instruments you’re following the little guy on the screen and performing dance moves. It’s good times. Though I can’t stress enough how important Step 3 is in the process =)

3 thoughts on “Who’s got two thumbs and doesn’t want to go to Chemo today??

  1. Also – when doing a “dance off” in Dance Central – WEAR CLOTHES!! I know that seems like common sense, but there have been some instances of not following that rule, having a “dance off”, doing the “freestyle” and then Dance Central connects to Xbox LIVE to post your freestyle video. You’re welcome for the tip!!

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