One more down, one less to go!

Stine here. Brian is resting comfortably after chemo yesterday, and it was pretty uneventful. Well, it was certainly a little silly.

Because Brian has been experiencing some “anticipatory nausea” when he thinks about getting in the car and driving to the hospital, he has been taking a relaxant medication before we leave the house. This medicine made him a little silly by the time he started chemo, and it had him in a pretty good mood when the nurse came around with a bag full of wigs that patients can have. He sampled the wares:

This is his "come hither" look.

He looks good as a blond.

Needless to say, when I showed him this picture later in the evening, he had forgotten it was ever taken. =)

I am so thankful for his amazing sense of humor, and amazing optimism while being poked and prodded. Even when he’s receiving treatment, he keeps the nurses laughing and everyone around him smiling.

For example, somehow today we got into a conversation with our nurse about the “Chemotherapy and You” book, and how it contains a chapter on how to tell your children you have cancer, but not a chapter for how a twenty-something-year-old should tell their parents.

Nurse: “It must have been really difficult to tell your parents when you found out you were sick.”
Brian: “Yeah, it was pretty hard.”
Nurse: “It must be hard for them to not be able to do anything but watch you get treatment. Because you know a mother would cut off her arms for her children.”
Brian: “That’s why my mom only has one arm.”

I guess you kinda had to be there. Trust me, it was funny at the time. He says lots of funny stuff like that, all the time.

In September when he was diagnosed, he was worried that he wouldn’t be a “good” cancer patient, with a sunny outlook.  I don’t think he has to worry about that anymore.

Anyway, my point is, that Brian is handling this like a champ, and it keeps things in perspective for me when I’m dealing with a hard time at work, or get stuck in traffic. He’s the best thing that has ever happened to me, and I’m so glad that he will be around to celebrate the rest of our lives together because of exactly the treatment he went through today. Modern medical technology is amazing, but I’m sure his charming personality has a lot to do with his treatment, too. =)

4 thoughts on “One more down, one less to go!

  1. I’m catching up on the blog after a couple weeks away and just have to tell you both how awesome and inspiring you are! This blog is truly a joy to read, which is kinda odd considering it’s about cancer… but really, in a lot of ways it’s more about family and friends and love and appreciation and courage and all that other good stuff 🙂

  2. I’m catching up on the blog after a couple weeks away and just have to tell you both how awesome and inspiring you are! This blog is truly a joy to read, which is kinda odd considering it’s about cancer… but really, in a lot of ways it’s more about family and friends and love and appreciation and courage and all that other good stuff 🙂

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