
As each week passes by, I grow more and more confident that my hair loss has peaked and that I might not look like a cancer patient to people who wouldn’t know that I’m sick. I might be fooling myself, but I don’t even think it looks that bad, or at least I should say that I think that I might even be pulling it off. By “pulling it off” all I hope is that if you saw me walking down the street you wouldn’t think that I looked weird, or that I was sick at all. It’s certainly pretty patchy in places on the top of my head but overall I think that just enough hair has remained to just make it look like I might be losing my hair at young age. Or that I just joined the military.

What’s strange though is how chemo is continuing to effect the rest of the hair on my body. I haven’t shaved my face in almost a month now, and all that has grown is that time is a very fine “peach fuzz” as if I was 12 again. I’ve never been known for my facial hair growing prowess, quite the contrary in fact. Normally the only facial hair I would be able to grow is a weak mustache that creeps my wife out after a few days, and then some scraggly hairs around the front of my chin, but even that has failed to appear in the last few weeks. Unfortunately it does however continue to grow on underside of my chin and on a bit on my neck which is starting to show signs of the ever popular “neck beard.” She hates it so much! But I can’t see it so it’s doesn’t really bother me.

Additionally I’ve also started to lose most of my leg hair. There is still a bit on the front of my shins, but Christine is growing increasingly jealous of the smoothness of my calves and the sides of my lower legs. Between the smooth face, and hairless legs, it’s like I’m a becoming a freshman on the High School Swim Team. It’s kind of an odd place to be in.

I am happy to report though that the dozens of chest hairs that I’ve managed to grow in my (almost) 29 years have remained in place and thusfar have not shown any signs of abandoning their posts. I take great comfort in this for some reason.

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