
It’s been 2 weeks now since I cut my hair and my hair continues to thin dramatically.  However, I  am still holding out hope that it isn’t going to fall out entirely and that enough hairs can hold on so that I won’t have to shave the rest off. I don’t know though, it’s starting to get pretty precarious up there:

Definitely some clear bald spots forming here in the back:

And a before and after for comparison.

Before (2 Weeks ago):

2 Weeks Ago

And After (Today):


I don’t know if the pictures do it justice or not, but I do know that more than once this week I’ve caught myself in the mirror and thought, “Damn, I’m really starting to lose my hair!”

On the positive side, today when I dried my hair after getting out the shower my towel wasn’t covered in hair. This is first time in weeks that haven’t seen any hair at all. Come to think of it, I don’t know even why I am drying my hair with towel anymore, it pretty much dries instantly on its own since its so short. I guess it’s just a matter of habit at this point. Habit, and that I’m always check to see how much hair is going to have come out.

On the other hand the hair loss really started taking off at the 3 week mark after the first chemo treatment, so there is still time for it pickup again. Especially since I should be back on the 2 week schedule now, assuming no further interruptions.

It really doesn’t bother me too much though. I don’t think I would I mind too much if I did wind up completely bald, or close enough that I had to shave my head all the way. It will grow back when I’m done, and I don’t think I’d look too terrible with no hair at all. Unlike most people my face doesn’t have any complexion so my perfectly white bald head would blend with my perfectly white face.

PLUS this hair loss stuff isn’t too bad, I don’t have to shave my face anymore these days. It’s been two weeks and  I only have a few little bits of stubble just starting to peak out.

Going in for another blood draw today in advance of Chest Port Placement tomorrow and chemo again on Wednesday. Like I said, I don’t know what, if anything has changed, regarding my blood clotting issues, so I’m hoping that they won’t cancel the chest port placement again after the blood test as they did last time. Additionally, I am eager to see how the daily injections that I took after my last chemo treatment have effected my white blood cell counts. I’ll be sure to let you know the results as soon as  they come back.

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