Few More Days to Sign Up

Still a few more days to sign up to join us at the Running Scared 5K (or Walking Confidently 5K as I hope to do). My sister is hoping to register the team tomorrow (Saturday) so if you still want to join us please comment below or email me and I’ll get you in touch with her. I think she said we have about 25 people joining us next Sunday on Halloween at 9am. It’s in Seattle at Seward Park, why not join us?

The proceeds benefit the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society which has donated over $680 million to blood cancer research since it’s inception in 1954. Organizations like THIS are the reason that I have a treatable and curable cancer. Organizations like THIS are responsible for the medical breakthroughs that are saving my life. It’s a $20 entry fee with all proceeds going to cure cancer.

One caveat though, due to the change in my chemo schedule it’s now unclear how much of the 5K I’ll actually be able to walk next week as it will now be only a few days after my next chemo treatment, rather than the full week and half that it was going to be. Regardless I’m still planning on walking it, just a little slower now, and maybe not the whole thing… There is no time limit though, so maybe I’ll just “camp here, and make for the summit in the morning.” I’m certainly no threat to my last, and only, official 5K time when we did the Black Diamond Triathlon last year and I medal-ed in the team relay with Ryan and Sage.

So yeah, think about joining us if you can. It should be a lovely walk (or run if you wish) near the shores of Lake Washington. And thanks to everyone who has already signed up to join us, it should be a fun morning!

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