The LLS, or How I Knew I Picked the Right Cancer For Me

Two days after learning that I had cancer I saw this commercial on TV (and I actually haven’t seen it since).

I’m pretty much in love with Tina Fey and I was stoked to learn that she was a spokesperson for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society (LLS).

About a week later I was reminded that I had in fact already encountered the LLS before. In March of 2008 I participated in The Big Climb. It was something that my father-in-law and brother-in-law wanted to do so I signed up with them. The Big Climb is a yearly event at the Columbia Tower in downtown Seattle and its a timed race up the stairs of the tallest building in Seattle (the weekend before is always host to the firefighters competition who do the 69 flights of stairs in full gear!)

What’s funny is that The Big Climb is the only benefit/race/competition thingy that I have EVER done since “Jump Rope for Heart” back in grade school (anyone?) and to remember that The Big Climb benefited the LLS seemed pretty ironic to me (though I am probably using that word in the incorrect Alanis Morissette way). I really had a good time at the event I remember being really impacted by all of the teams of people there to support a loved one impacted by Leukemia or Lymphoma. In fact while I was waiting for my timed results to be posted (I beat both my father-in-law and my then 18 year old brother-in-law BTW!) I actually did the cheek swab test and had myself added to the National Bone Marrow Donor Registry. Though now that I actually have one of the blood cancers I should probably call and take myself off the list =)

Anyway, between my forgotten history with the LLS and now the new Tina Fey connection, I was pretty sure from the start that I had been diagnosed with the right cancer for me!

I tell you that story to tell you this: On the morning of Halloween, Sunday October 31st at Seward Park in Seattle is the Running Scared 5K, benefiting the local chapter of the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. We are putting a group together to participate and I wanted to open it up to anyone who wants to join us.

It should be a fun morning, and it looks likes it’s a pretty small event as far as these things can go. There are costume contests (for people and dogs) and the event itself is a run/walk. It’s at a great time for me in my chemo cycle so I will get to participate and will be walking for anyone who wants to walk along with me or who may not be excited about running 3.1 miles.

So if you want to join us on the morning of Halloween please let me know directly or you can leave a comment below (remember you can just type in your name to leave a comment, you don’t have to include your email address and stuff) and I will be sure get your contact info to my sister, Tanya, who is coordinating the team. It’s a $25 entry fee, but if you sign up with us you’ll get $5 discount as our team is already larger than 10.

Let us know if you are interested! It’s for a great cause and it’s a great way to hang out for a bit and get some exercise!

5 thoughts on “The LLS, or How I Knew I Picked the Right Cancer For Me

  1. i wonder how long it would take me to finish the 3.1 miles in my robot costume from last year. i’m thinking at least 45 minutes.

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