“But Everything Was Going So Well!”

As I’ve stated, I write the day before and set them to post early in the morning. So as I write, I’m hyper aware that right now I am missing the first rehearsal for for the show in which I was cast before I got cancer, and which I subsequently had to drop out of.

Getting that gig marked a really important milestone for me, it was a full year of solid work in the theater. The show at the Children’s Theater started rehearsal last October and ran through the end of January. Two weeks later I started rehearsal for another show and then the day after that show closed I started into the summer showsIn short, I’d had a great last year and was already set to start the 2010-2011 Season off on a great foot!

It’s probably the one thing that we kept coming back to when we first got the news (a month ago today): “Everything was going so well.” We were both working jobs that we loved, Christine was about to start the her MBA Program, and we had started making some real plans for the future. And it was a future that we could both see taking shape. Again, everything was going so well.

I do believe that everything happens for a reason, and I know that when we emerge from this period of our lives we’ll see how we have changed for the better. But that doesn’t make the changes easier to stomach in the short term (not that  I would expect it to). But at the same time, I just finally felt like I was on the right path for once and that it was working out. It’s just frustrating.

I guess I just wish that I was at work right now. But then again, I would probably just be sitting in rehearsal wondering if I was going to have tomorrow off. =)

7 thoughts on ““But Everything Was Going So Well!”

  1. From one of my favorite movies, “While You Were Sleeping”, Christmas week Jack’s brother, Peter, is attacked and is in a coma, by the end of the week Peter is beginning to recover. Jack has been waiting for the right time to tell their father some bad news about their business plans. It’s early morning and Jack and his dad are sitting at the table sharing a bag of donuts, and Dad is finally feeling like things are OK….

    JacK; Been a hell of a week, hasn´t it?
    Dad: Life is a pain in the ass. l´ll tell ya. You know?
    You work hard, try to provide for the family, and then, for one minute, everything´s good. Everyone´s well. Everyone´s happy. ln– ln that one minute, you have peace.

    Jack: Pop, this isn´t that minute.

    By the way, the movie has a very happy ending. As I’m sure yours will!!

  2. Bryan, there’s no reason you won’t be able to pick up where you left off. You are a talented, funny guy. What you’re going through now doesn’t change that basic fact. You’ll get back up on the horse.

  3. That’s just eerie. I don’t know Karen, but that scene ran through my head while reading your blog the other day, Brian. The movie has a happy ending, she’s right. If anyone can wade through the suck of it all, it’s you.

  4. Brian, this is so honest and insightful. Your whole world has been rocked to the core, and it’s … refreshing? I don’t know if that’s the right word … but it landed with me today as so very real and truthful about what’s going on with you in the broader sense, and how having “the cancer” effects IT ALL. What a somber reminder of what you would have been doing on this day … but then your attitude is so awesomely admirable about it all happening for a reason, and coming out the other side with insights you will have never dreamed of. Thinking of you, and wishing you peace as you prepare for another treatment. XOXO

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